
How might we empower world travelers to take more control over their day-to-day health?



Pilingo is an app that helps travelers in foreign countries find the basic medicines they are used to taking at home.

World travel has become a normal occurrence for millions of people. While it has many benefits, a major challenge for world travelers is the accessibility to medicines they normally use at home. Coming down with a minor illness while traveling can seem daunting.

Based on worldwide survey data collected by the Pilingo team, 60% of people had difficulties finding the correct medicine they needed while traveling. In different markets around the world, brand names, active ingredients, dosage and availability all vary. This makes it hard to research and locate the right medicines.

The goal for this project was to develop a way for travelers to discover, locate and obtain medicines they would normally take in their home country.

Once our exploratory research was complete, the team identified smartphone users with internet access as a major target audience for this product. Considering this, the team decided that an app would be the most effective way for travelers to find the medicines they need in a foreign country.

Wireframing and logic were prototyped and iterated until the main functions of the app became clear. The prototyping then went digital as we used InVision to plan how Pilingo would work from start to finish.


The final output of Pilingo was a fully-functional iOS prototype. It was designed to have a simple interface that guided users through a straightforward process. The User Journey (right) outlines the experience of using the app.

Pilingo was my first time designing software and fostered my interest in UX/UI design. I also gained skills in teamwork and leadership as well as improving my animation and branding abilities. The project was successful, being shortlisted amongst 15 other teams in a 65-team project at the Royal College of Art.


Tools/Materials Used:

InVision App, for interactive prototype

Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro, for explainer video

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, for project graphics, branding and explainer video


